
we stand corrected

bad news, amigos. the market gods don't love lamp.  at least not like we do.

the happy yess markets scheduled for sunday 28 november have been cancelled.  we've stopped crying long enough to let our lovely lampers know. 

please help happy yess spread the word--if ya see any posters around town, feel free to take 'em down (might make cool paper airplanes? wallpaper for your bedroom?) 

we'll be back at ya with a rescheduled date (hopefully for december), otherwise we'll see ya in the new year.

might have to organise some renegade markets at another venue?  stay tuned.

xx i love lamp

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to try and book a market stall at Berry Springs. Same day but in the morning. No idea what it will be like but gotta give it a go.
