
when everything old is new again

who ever thought that 90s fashion would make a comeback? i was a teenager in the 90s and it was uninspiring to say the least. think Elaine from Seinfeld. conservative and daggy--not really a look i thought the runways would re-hash. but no one ever loves the era that they were lumped with. i was jealous of the 80s-flair that my sisters were able to express themselves in. i was too young to create my own style then.

all those bright colours, the awkward shapes, everything bizarre. the 80s had movement and pizazz. although stylish for the time, i felt drab in my op shop UCLA t-shirt, ripped Levi's and beat up converse. where did the fluro leg warmers and outrageous tutus go?
okay the 90s weren't all bad. i have to admit that i have been waiting to sport a double denim combination again with confidence. darwin is a bit too hot to go all out in knits and leather but i love lamp has been on the look-out for some stylish threads from yesteryear. we want to help bring your wardrobe back to the beat of Vanilla Ice.

after getting back into a high-waisted pant I don’t know why I was dreading the resurgence of this quickly forgotten fashionable era. dressed in a pair purple chinos matched with a loose fitting white blouse I was impressed with the new sense of freedom I felt when bending over.   hips are out people, its time to bring back the waistline.

watch out Darwin. there will be more ladies on the bend.

come to i love lamp 31 October at the Happy Yess Markets. Fo Real. 

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